Vaneeta Kaur Author

Celebrating The Magical Feminine

At a young age, little did I know my inner feminine was bursting to flourish through the essence of words. Losing myself in creative writing came my novels and set me on my path of self-discovery.  

About the Silver Lining Series

Broken Branches

1st Book of Silver Lining Series

Kris has a beautiful and privileged life. But it is not to last . . . As everything is gradually ripped from him bit by bit, and he realises he has nothing real left in his life, Kris’s days become dull and monotone, leaving him in a state of mental autopilot. He blames himself for the tragedies that have occurred to him until an enchanting supernatural miracle helps him to uncover the honesty of not just his actions, but of those around him too.

Brimming Boughs

2nd Book of Silver Lining Series

Four years ago Kris experienced tragic events that changed his life forever. He made a promise going forward to build a life that is based on the desires of his heart. Now Kris is slowly moving on from his past but unexpected experiences around him are forcing him to look again at his own unhealed wounds. Will Kris be able to completely close the curtains to his past? Will he realise that happiness is discovered when we choose to come face to face with our deep-rooted pain?

  • EP30: Learning to Forgive & Let Go (with Vaneeta) | South Asian, Self Acceptance & Emotional Wellbeing

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  • Living From The Heart with Vaneeta

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  • Letting go to find peace; a writer’s story

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