Discover Your Sovereignty

Before diving in, please let me again confirm that I am not a health practitioner or therapist, or anything licensed in that sense. My know knowledge comes from my own research from the past six years and through my own experiences.

As mentioned in my previous letter, all beings are cyclical beings because we are essentially created by nature herself. Our bodies flow just like the seasons and it is vital to embrace this to meet our whole selves and thus, show up fully in our lives.

So, in this letter I am going to take you through the process of how a female body flows just as nature does:

🌱 Inner Spring

Also known as the pre ovulation phase beginning just after a woman has finished her period. She is slowly emerging from that cocoon and so our bodies are still tender. Little buds of inspiration and ideas are rising and you’re beginning to enter back out into the world. However, it is important to take this time slowly and not just bust out the gates. I feel that this season is not respected as much as it should be; it is vital to not use up all that created energy and instead move gently into the world.

🌸 Inner Summer

Also known as Ovulation phase. Your energy is at it's peak and just as the when the moon is at her full phase in the sky, a woman is also feeling bright and illuminated. A woman is usually feeling expressive and sociable during this time, so take advantage of this energy and use it to be creative, nurture relationships and truly be you. Society has made women feel boxed up and like they need to squash certain parts of their femininity but don’t be ashamed to be who you genuinely are.

🍂 Inner Autumn

Also referred to as Luteal phase and just as the leaves start to fall off the trees and animals retreat during Autumn, this is women as well at this point of their cycle. I find this to be the most fascinating phase of our cycles because it is the time we discover the most about ourselves. Without realising, women demand more space to be with themselves during this time. So, be okay with saying no to what doesn’t aid you and instead serve your mind and body. People say women get moody before their period but I don’t agree. During Autumn our system is preparing to bleed, imagine the work our body is doing! We need space for this to take place; so, it is important to set those boundaries. If you’re struggling to do this maybe ask yourself, why?  What is stopping you from speaking up for yourself? It is vital to dedicate this time of your cycle to self-care. The days leading up to your period are important, as they set the flow of your period and the rest of your menstrual cycle. Spend it tending to your needs and looking after your body. It is also key to recognise that your mind chatter is at a peak right now, it will constantly be criticising you, be kind to yourself and prepare yourself for your next phase. Just as the moon wanes down before she fades your energy will also wane for your next phase.

❄️ Inner Winter

Also known as the Bleeding phase. Our periods have begun and the most important things here are to rest and retreat. Our body is already doing so much work as it is literally going through a dying process, so our energy is our lowest. This is not a time to be doing things for other people, this is not a time to be going out into the world and depleting yourself. The healthiest thing to do here is to be your own company whilst your body, mind and soul go through its own internal process. Let go, surrender, get cosy, get still, quiet the surrounding noise and rest.

Each phase lasts a week and each cycle lasts about 28 – 31 days. It is important to also recognise, that each woman’s cycle is different, and unique to their own personal, mental, and emotional journey. The more they learn about themselves the more they understand each of their own phases.

I strongly feel that women need to be educated more about menstrual cycles at an early age, and I feel that men should be educated too in order to support women through their phases. The more we learn about our Menstrual Cycles, the more our we can flow with our phases to live more fulfilling lives. I structure my entire life around my cycle and it has enriched me more than ever, mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually.

I will not lie, this letter was easy for me to write, but difficult for me to share with others. I am looked at like I’m an alien when I talk about cycles with others but I feel it is needed more in the world. This may be a small act to share but at the end of the day we need to be the change that is needed in the world for a big change to occur outside of us.

In my next letter I will be sharing some sources for you to refer to that I have used to help me understand cyclical cycles and how I can better take care of mine.

I truly hope this helps you and please share this with others that need it.

Blessed be,


The Power of Acceptance


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