The Power of Acceptance

For this letter I wanted to share the power of acceptance. Walking in the path of acceptance has drastically reduced my anxiety because I have learned to shift my perspective and walk away from anything that does not serve my happiness.

A generic example:
You have a close friend that you have known for years. One day you come to a difference of opinion. You could argue about it, but what would that serve? Neither of you are going to budge on your differences and if you continue to argue, would this not escalate the argument at the risk of your friendship? You could accept the difference of opinions and accept each other’s way of life.

However, your friend can’t seem to move on. In eagerness of wanting you to agree with her she throws her thoughts about you all over social media. Her comments come across mean, thus hurting your feelings.  

You could respond back out of hurt, but this would only escalate the situation. You could kindly speak to her about how she hurt you but if that doesn’t work, you could take this as a sign that maybe this friendship is no longer for you.

Some things to accept:
🌟 Accept and respect everyone’s way of life.
🌟 Accept and love the way you have been created.
🌟 Accept the situations that arise in our lives. 
🌟 Accept and be thankful for what you have in life.
🌟 Accept the past and future.

I hope this read helps you to walk in the path of acceptance so you can live a peaceful life that is true to you. When you choose acceptance, you choose happiness.

If you would like to you can read more about acceptance and the ways we can embrace acceptance!

Over the past few weeks I’ve been on a mini break but I had some time to feature as a guest on the The Nourished Souls Podcast. Go listen to, ‘Living from The Heart,’ to learn about kindness, natural healing for anxiety and depression as well as more about my novel!

Embrace Autumn and live from the heart,

Kindness always,
Vaneeta Kaur


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