The Search for Inspiration

This letter has come out a little later than usual and, in all truthfulness, it is because I’ve lacked inspiration. So, to help me with this letter, through my Instagram I asked for some topics; I received some but honestly, none of the topics were inspired me. My writing is here to serve but I feel that writing something that I am not interested in is ingenuine, and I always do my best to show up as my truest self.

Eventually, after a lot of thought I found myself being creative in a way that I haven’t for an extremely long time. If you have stayed with me for a while, you would know that I also like to paint and draw on any clear canvas that comes my way. I ended up drawing on my wall and yes, I do that, but I haven’t for like a whole year and it felt incredible!

That is how the idea for this letter came to me: how can we help ourselves to feel inspired to be creative again?

Here are some tips:

Take a very long step back

When nothing is coming out of us we end up forcing something and this is not good because then we are not giving our true natural full creative self into what it is we want to do. Instead, pack it all up. Put it away, completely out of your sight. Walk away and pretend like the project isn’t there for a while. Give your mind and your creative energy a break. Last month I was also struggling with a letter. So, I just completely stopped thinking about it and put the thought of writing out my mind. Then out of nowhere I was speaking to someone, and the idea finally fell straight into my lap.

Try something else creative that is totally different to what you're doing

Sometimes when we are feeling creative but are not interested in the current project, our creativity is just needing another form of channeling whatever it is that we want to pour out. For example, I knew that I wanted to write but I just didn’t feel inspired. However, I ended up painting and suddenly my creativity just began to flow naturally. This sparked the idea for this letter. Rather than staying stuck, channel your creative flow elsewhere. Whether that be painting, singing, drawing, pottery, make up, or cooking.

Stop thinking your way into creativity for perfect results

In my opinion creativity comes from our body not our mind; it serves as release for our emotions. Something I have noticed is that many think their way through creativity; however, creativity flows naturally when we let go and just completely give into the process without placing any expectations on the outcome. Some may look at their social media for inspiration or some may watch movies or listen to songs; but, I find this makes us overthink. So, my point is don’t place expectations on the results, stop criticising yourself, stop thinking so hard and just let whatever needs to come out flow through you.

Nature can inspire us

If you’re really in need of some inspiration, remind yourself that it is all around you. We are the essence of creativity because we are creations and all around us is creation. When I was editing my second novel and having a hard time getting through some parts I would go to the park with my laptop and just allow myself to clear my mind before bursts of writing would just come out of me. Nature calms us and it is therapeutic because the earth grounds us; so, when we give into her, she inspires us in the most natural way possible.

Reduce the mind chatter

As I previously mentioned our creativity comes from our emotions which are stored in the body. Sometimes our mind can get in the way due to all the chatter that overtakes and halts us from accessing our true creative nature. Clearing this chatter is the most helpful way to release our creativity. A way to do this is through meditation. Many people run when I bring up meditation but truthfully it has helped me so much. Only if you commit to the process would you understand the benefits. You don’t have to be sitting on a mountain top with no noise to help with meditation, you can commit to it right here right now exactly where you are. You can integrate mantras or humming; whichever helps. You can tune into it the pace of your heart, or you can tune into your breath. Whichever works for you. I do sometimes understand that meditation can be difficult to commit to when our body is always in ‘go go go’ mode; but that is where the work is to allow our creativity to flow with ease.

Move freely

Dancing or yoga doesn’t have to be strategic the way some medias may show us. Movement is flowing, fluid and freeing. Just imagine leaves that flow from trees and land in a river and flow whichever direction the water goes without no planning. As mentioned, many times, emotions come from the body and creativity comes from our emotions which are racing through the body. When creativity doesn’t pour out of us the way it should, it is because emotions are stuck in the body. Movement breaks the stagnancy and allows that river to move through you swiftly. Movement doesn’t have to be planned or a calculated exercise, just get up and move in which ever way you body wants you to; let your body lead. Thank you to a wonderful friend who reminded me of the importance of free movement in our lives, so more on this subject in my next letter!

Visualisation to clear your mind

For those that really struggle with meditation, Visualisation is a great way to help with creativity because to an extent it gives you an opportunity to control what goes through your mind. I just want to emphasise, do not use visualisation as way to run from your thoughts instead use it to gently converse with your thoughts. Visualisation is a powerful technique that involves mental imagery to relieve the mind of anxiety. My second novel was difficult for me to edit due to some of the topics that were triggering for me. Visualisaton was a powerful way of positively sparking my creativity. After this I was led to collaborate with Safe Havening Practitioner Michelle Francis to create a Safe Havening guide in hopes that visualisation can help others the way it has helped me.

Reminder: you are a magical being of creation, so you are the containment of all the creativity that you possess, the projects that you take on are just ways for you to channel it; and you can channel it, because every single being on this earth is creative in some way shape or form.

Hope this helps you to uncover you creative potential.

Be kind to yourself always 🙏🏽

Blessed be,



The Power of Acceptance